The National Association of Pastoral Musicians fosters the art of musical liturgy. The Wichita Chapter supports the Catholic Diocese of Wichita, KS.

Musician Recognition

Young Liturgical Musician Initiative

Goal: NPM seeks to direct young musicians to view service as a liturgical musician as a stewardship opportunity. This is to encourage and further the youths’ liturgical music participation beyond high school and while in college and to stay connected to music ministry from youth through adulthood.

Recognition of Music Milestones: At an NPM Wichita meeting annually, in relation to the Young Liturgical Musician Initiative, awards for Novice, Apprentice, and Minister will be presented. The approximate age bracket for each of these 3 categories would be a young student as Novice, high school age as Apprentice, and college age or older as Minister

Nomination Form – Submit Online

Pastoral Musician Recognition

This recognition is given to musicians who have been involved in Liturgical Music for at least 25 years. If you are one of these musicians or know of someone, please nominate them to receive their recognition award.

Pastoral Musician Recognition Form – Submit Online

View Past Recognized Musicians

Memorable Musicians

This recognition is for those Catholic Musicians who joined the heavenly choirs. Please nominate those who passed away that have supported music in our diocesan parishes.

Nomination Form – Submit Online

View Past Recognized Musicians